Pursuing environmental change through storytelling

Times are changing... or at least they need to be!

This site is still under development, but will gradually develop as a repository of information
to help support and promote more impactful storytelling around environmental issues.

Please use the contact page if you'd like to know more, but for now, keep an eye out for news, maybe join the email list 

In 2020 Coronavirus (Covid) changed our world.

People began to recognise the 'more-than-human' world in a different way, reflecting upon how we alone helped create the circumstances that enabled this disease to emerge and sweep acrossthe world.

In the silence of locked down towns and cities, we began to take notice and find comfort in the 'other-than-human' world. As we all took an enforced breath and stopped, there emerged a hope; a recognition that we still had time to make a difference.

In a world of apathy and doom laden scenarios, we began to see that even in the 11th hour, if we make space, the natural world is still resilient enough to heal the damage we have created.... but for how much longer?

In the silence and space created by Covid, a group of storytellers came together to use a tool called
'The Theory of Change.'

Together they began to gain new insights into how storytelling might be used for positive change, specifically regarding the impact of humans upon the planet. The conversations gave substance to ideas and in 2021 this site was established in recognition of the 'potential' that lay ahead. Together we hope and believe that change is possible and the stories we share offer doorways to new possibility.

Here is how it all began....

In August 2020, Carl shared this video to see if anyone might have an interest in joining a conversation.

Applying a theory of change to something like storytelling felt a little strange to begin with, but it began to raise some interesting questions. 

As this video mentions, the subject can unravel rapidly and make it exceptionally difficult to keep a clear focus in mind. However the first phase of discussions have led to the creation of a summary document called 'Impactful storytelling in a time of ecological upheaval - musings derived from a theory of change.' This will be made freely available on this site very soon.

The document is only a starting point, a foothold on a very slippery subject. Going forward we hope to create an overarching theory of change that can help inform ways that can help optimise the chances of creating meaningful change.

This isn't going to be easy, there are more questions than answers at this point, but when was something worth reaching for ever easy? As things progress, more people will hopefully join us on this journey. If you'd like to keep in touch and maybe join the conversation, you can use the links below to either subscribe to the email newsletter or join the private Facebook group.